Some great news for video game preservation as Hidden Palace have been able to archive and dump a ROM containing the first level of the cancelled Segapede/Astropede title.
This title was first proposed by designer Craig Stitt on September 21, 1993 who was a member of the famous Sega Technical Institute. This title would have taken place within the Sonic the Hedgehog universe and would have featured one of Dr. Robotnik’s creations named Zipp as the main protagonist. Zipp would to travel through various worlds in order to save the life of someone by cleaning up and collecting “Chaos Dust” that had infected Dr. Robotnik.
Gameplay would be very similar to Sonic the Hedgehog with the notable exception being segment-like power-ups that would grant Zipp additional power. This includes items like a Turbo Charger, Scorpion Tail, and Pulse Cannon.
Unfortunately, the game would never see an official release due to STI having to many projects being worked on at the same time. A couple of titles that were in development at the same time as Segapede was The Ooze and Comix Zone.
This ROM came courtesy of Craig Stitt and was from their pitch to Sega of America with the revised story on November 22, 1993.