Awhile back Microsoft announced that the next installment in the Halo franchise, Halo 5: Guardians, would not be supporting split-screen for both campaign and multiplayer modes. 343 Industries Executive Producer Josh Holmes said on the matter back in July..
“Many of our ambitious goals for Halo 5 would be compromised in a split-screen setting and the time spent optimizing and addressing split-screen-specific issues would take focus from building other parts of the game. Game development is a balancing act of resources, time, and technology, and in this case we made the tough decision to sacrifice something that’s been near and dear to us all.”
Of course ever since then fans of the series have gone on social media with the #BringHalo5SplitScreenBack. Somebody recently said that to Halo’s Development Director Frank O’Connor and simply replied..
“If we could do it, we would do it. But it is what they call ‘nontrivial.’”
Halo 5: Guardians is slated for released on October 27 on Xbox One.