In a recent interview with German Financial Paper Handelsblatt, Activision President & CEO of Esports Pete Vlastelica revealed they plan on bringing an Overwatch League team to Berlin no later than next year.
The interview states:
Handelsblatt” As a German medium course we are interested in your views on Europe.
Vlastelica: If we look at the European market, the focus is on a few sites. Our list does not reflect the largest cities in the world resist, but the metropolitan areas for Overwatch player. That list includes London, where we already have a team, but also Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam and some Scandinavian regions.
Handelsblatt: So Berlin is a candidate?
Vlastelica: Germany plays an important role for us. This is especially true for Berlin with its rich history at E-Sports, founder scene and animation. There are also the demographic profile and the cultural significance of the city.
Handelsblatt: That sounds very determined.
Vlastelica: We want a team in Berlin. We have many discussions and to be able to tell without details, we’ll have a team there no later than next year.
Rumored locations for new Overwatch League spots include Amsterdam, Paris, Chicago, Hong Kong, Taipei, Bangkok, Berlin, and Seattle.