The latest issue of V-Jump has revealed that Bandai Namco are developing a new survival RPG centered around the Digimon universe titled Digimon Survive. The game releases in 2019 for Switch and Playstation 4.
The three parts of the game include the following:
- Conversation Parts – Depicted like scenes from an anime through graphics that are 2D illustrations, but have enhanced spatial presentation. Depending on the player’s choices, the development of the story and evolution during battle will change.
- Exploration Parts – The keys to the story are hidden at various points on the field. Examine the points of concern.
- Battle Parts – Move your partner around on a strategy game-style field of squares and attack enemies in simulation battles. During battle, you will use energy to perform actions. Making skilled use of energy is essential.
In this article:Bandai Namco, Digimon Survive, Japan, Playstation 4, PS4, Switch, V-Jump