Felix “xQc” Lengyel has had his share of controversy over the past couple of months and the latest one came last night. Right before the Dallas Fuel took on the London Spitfire, the Overwatch League issued a four-game suspension and $2,000 fine to xQc. The Fuel game their own punishment by suspending him for the remainder of stage one.
This stems from xQc making a homophobic remark about openly gay Houston Outlaw player Austin “Muma” Wilmot. During a late-night stream, xQc said about Muma…
“Shut your fucking mouth and go back and suck a fat cock. He would like it.”
Dallas Fuel said they will continue to work with xQc to “help him improve as a player who is reflective of the principles of the Dallas Fuel organization, his teammates, and of the Overwatch League.”