Square-Enix and Io Interactive have released the “Season Premiere” trailer for their new Hitman game. The trailer features a Prologue and Paris locations that...
Late Tuesday Brian Thomas Barnhart of the YouTube series “The Jag Bar” took to YouTube to share his experiences with the Coleco Chameleon Kickstarter...
Ubisoft have officially released the launch trailer for their upcoming online RPG Tom Clancy’s The Division. The Division takes place a few weeks after...
Sony Computer Entertainment have released new information regarding to the upcoming system update for Playstation 4. The update is version 3.50 and is codenamed...
Microsoft and Turn 10 Studios announced this morning that Forza Motorsports 6: Apex is currently in development for PC. We’ve posted all the information...
According to the Office for Harmonization of the Internal Market, Koei Tecmo have filed a trademark for “Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious...