Light have released the opening movie for their upcoming battle visual novel Magatsu Barai. This movie was produced by the Japanese studio Nirai-Kanai Studio...
Earlier today a user on Reddit uploaded what is now confirmed to the the opening cutscene to Halo: Infinite to the r/LeaksandRumors subreddit. Halo:...
Original Gamer’s Life (OGL) have announced they now accepting team applications for an Esports team consisting solely of senior citizens with the goal of...
An Overwatch VTuber going by Ume has posted a TwitLonger accusing an Overwatch player known as Cybersnip of grooming, pedophilia, and child pornography. In...
Rumors have started to swirl around that Electronic Arts’ popular Mass Effect: Legendary Edition could be coming to Game Pass. This comes after polish...
One Esports have announced they have entered a partnership with investment management company Franklin Templeton. This partnership will see Franklin Templeton introduce its brand...
Bandai Namco and Dimps have announced they are developing an asymmetrical multiplayer online game based in the Dragon Ball universe titled Dragon Ball: The...
According to a new bombshell report by The Wall Street Journal, Activision CEO Bobby Kotick allegedly knew of sexual harassment and misconduct going on...