Bandai Namco have released a new character trailer for their upcoming RPG Tales of Arise. This latest video showcases the character Kisara. Tales of...
According to a new report by esports journalist Jacob Wolf, gaming network VENN has hired a texas-based accounting firm to help find additional funding...
D3 Publisher and Sandlot have released the debut trailer for the Switch port of Earth Defense Force 2017. Earth Defense Force originally released back...
SNK have released a new character trailer for their anticipated fighting game The King of Fighters XV. This trailer showcases the playable character Athena...
According to court documents uncovered by Waypoint, a former Activision IT worker had installed cameras in the office bathroom at their offices in Eden...
Codevision have announced that their upcoming MMORPG Fioresia Online has been renamed to Cinderstone Online and has entered closed beta. Players will have the...