After numerous leaks, Electronic Arts and DICE have announced that the next installment in the Battlefield franchise will be titled Battlefield 2042. This title...
Saudi Arabian esports organization Falcon Esports have announced they have acquired the defending Overwatch Contenders: Europe champions New Kings. This team will be competing...
Team Samoyed have released a new patch for their popular simulation game Teamfight Manager. This update removes 22 licenses, adds German support, and other...
011 Games have released a new patch for their recently released rogue-lite shooter Geometry Arena. This date fixes some user interface issues, new features,...
During their Early Access Showcase event, Arc System Works revealed the opening movie for their upcoming fighting game Guilty Gear: Strive. Guilty Gear: Strive...
During their Early Access Showcase event, Arc System Works released the official launch trailer for their upcoming fighting game Guilty Gear: Strive. Guilty Gear:...
Noah Willliams and Day Dreamer Games have released a new trailer for their upcoming monster RPG Entodrive. This trailer showcases some gameplay footage from...