Capcom have released a new trailer for their upcoming Monster Hunter game Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin. This trailer showcases the game’s...
Global multinational company Nike have announced they have signed esports personality Nicolle “Cherrygumms” Merhy as a brand ambassador in Brazil. Cherrygumms is the CEO...
Devolver Digital, Terri Vellmann and Doseone have announced that their first-person graffiti game Sludge Life has an official release date for Steam and Switch....
Remedy Entertainment have announced that Chinese company Tencent Holdings have acquired 3.8% equity of the company from Accendo Capital. This equates to 500,000 shares...
THQ Nordic and Experiment 101 have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Biomutant. This trailer sees the game’s creative direct providing some...