Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios have released a new trailer for their upcoming Magic the Gathering RPG Magic: Legends. This new trailer showcases...
Sony Interactive Entertainment have announced that starting on August 31. The Playstation Store will discontinue the rental and purchases of both TV and movies....
Just hours before their debut in Overwatch Contenders Trials Korea, Uprising Academy have announced their new roster that will be competing to hopefully place...
According to the LinkedIn profile id Software Monetization Designer David Saunders, Doom Eternal earned a reported $450 million within the first 9 months of...
European esports organization CS:GO have announced they have released their entire roster yet again. The latest roster has been with the team for the...
Double Eleven and Facepunch Studios have released the teaser trailer for Rust: Console Edition. Rust: Console Edition later this year on Xbox One and...