Bandai Namco have released the opening movie for their upcoming Kamen Rider game Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez. Kamen Rider: Memory of Heroez releases...
CD Projekt RED have released a new commercial for their highly anticipated game Cyberpunk 2077 featuring internet darling Keanu Reeves. Cyberpunk 2077 releases on...
Koei Tecmo have announced they are currently developing a mobile game based around their long-running series Dynasty Warriors for Android and iOS. While no...
Rumors have started to circulate after an alleged screenshot of Bethesda’s upcoming RPG Starfield leaked online via 4chan. Please keep in mind that nothing...
Forever Entertainment and MegaPixel Studio have announced that their upcoming Panzer Dragoon: Remake has received an official release date for Playstation 4. The game...