THQ Nordic and Black Forest Games have released a new trailer for their upcoming Destroy All Humans! remake. This trailer showcases the secret government...
Bandai Namco and Aquria have released the official launch trailer for their upcoming game Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycorsis Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycorsis...
Young and Beautiful have announced their new roster for the upcoming Overwatch Contenders: Europe season. The list of new members of this roster consists...
European Overwatch team Angry Titans have announced their new roster for the upcoming Overwatch Contenders season. This roster will consist of many names from...
No Gravity Games and Decaf Studio have announced that the Switch port of puzzle-adventure game Creepy Tale has received an official release date. The...
North American Overwatch team Revival have announced they have signed Nicholas “Nich” Ryan Taylo to their roster. Despite only being 17, Nich made a...