CD Projeckt RED have released a new trailer for their highly anticipated game Cyberpunk 2077. This trailer showcases the story, characters, world, and the...
CD Projeckt RED, Netflix, and Studio Trigger have announced that a Cyberpunk anime is in development called Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. This will be a 10-episode...
Omnius Gaming have announced their new competitive Valorant roster. Consisting of players solely from South Africa, the lineup includes VerbalZero, NottLiam, Demonix, Mouldi, and...
European Esports organization Eternity Esports have announced their new Valorant roster. This full Moroccan roster consists of AntiBiotique, Grunge, Gr3eNoX, Rheat, Mr. Tettouani, and...
Focus Home Interactive have announced they have acquired Deck13 Interactive for €7.1 million. Deck13 Interactive was founded in 2001 and based out of Frankfurt,...
11 years ago Radical Entertainment have the world the open-world action adventure game Prototype which went on to be a critical and commercial success...