During Tokyo Game Show 2022, Square Enix and Luminous Productions released a new trailer for their upcoming action RPG Forspoken. Forspoken releases on January...
Square Enix have announced they will be ending service for their MMORPG Babylon’s Fall on February 27, 2023. Publication of both physical and digital...
Bandai Namco have announced that the eight installment in the Tekken franchise is officially in development for Xbox Series, Playstation 5, and PC via...
Ironwood Studios have announced they are developing a new run-based first-person driving survival game titled Pacific Drive. In development for PC and Playstation 5,...
SHIFT-UP have announced that Project EVE is now going under the official name Stellar Blade and will launching exclusively for Playstation 5 some time...
During State of Play, Sony Interactive Entertainment and Santa Monica Studio released a new trailer for their anticipated game God of War Ragnarok. This...
Sony Interactive Entertainment have announced they will be hosting their next State of Play event tomorrow (September 13) and air live via YouTube and...