Team17 and Fika Productions have announced that their upcoming roguelite game Ship of Fools has received an official release date. The game will launch...
No More Robots and Mopeful Games have released their new non-violent first-person “shooter” Fashion Police Squad. To celebrate, the companies have made the game...
Bandai Namco have announced they will be bringing their upcoming arcade fishing game Ace Angler: Fishing Spirits to both Europe and North America. The...
The Paris Eternal have announced they have parted ways with four members of their roster. These members are Emir “Kaan” Okumus, Daniël “Daan” Scheltema,...
European esports team Young and Beautiful have announced they are returning to the competitive Overwatch scene by signing the entire roster of G-Force. Since...
NEOWIZ have released the worldwide launch trailer for their upcoming first-person shooting title A.V.A. Prior to the game’s official launch on August 25, the...
XSEED Games and Froach Club have released a new trailer for their upcoming title Melon Journey: Bittersweet Memories.In celebration of National Melon Day, the...