As confirmed by Bloomberg Law, Judge Richard Seeborg of the Northern District of California have dismissed a class-action lawsuit against Sony Interactive Entertainment. The...
In an internal message sent to staff at Electronic Arts, company CEO Andrew Wilson revealed that the company’s Chief Technology Officer Ken Moss will...
Netflix have announced that their upcoming animated series Tekken: Bloodline has received an official release date. The show will debut on August 18. You...
Ravenscourt and Parabole have announced they are developing a sequel to their adventure title Kona titled Kona II: Brume. The game is currently scheduled...
The Skate fanbase have been busy trying to discover anything and everything regarding the upcoming free-to-play skate. and someone has found some some unreleased...
Bandai Namco and Artdink Corporation have released the opening movie for their upcoming action RPG SD Gundam Battle Alliance. SD Gundam Battle Alliance releases...