Overwatch’s Game Director Jeff Kaplan has taken to the game’s forum to issue a quick update on the future of the game. Kaplan notes the company will be working on improvements in three different aspects. These are Mercy, competitive play, and toxicity within the community. Kaplan started by quickly stating the following in regards to competitive play..
“We don’t have immediate changes to discuss right now but we’re closely studying issues and perceived problems with the system with an eye toward improvement.”
“We have long and short term plans for competitive that should hopefully improve the experience over time.”
The second thing addressed was the toxic community within the competitive scene.
“A lot of what we do here we cannot and will not discuss publicly,” Kaplan wrote. “The more players understand about how these systems work, the more they will be able to game them.”
“We’re also hoping to have player feedback in the game when someone you reported was actioned by the end of the year. The email pilot program has gone well so far and we keep trying to expand that until we get the in-game system up and running.”