Earlier this week CD Projekt received a trademark for the name “Cyberpunk”by the European Union. This has caused many to lash out at the company and say their plans are way more sinister. It’s believed they could abuse their power much like the fiasco with Fine Brothers with their trademark of React.
This has led CD Projekt to take to Twitter and release the following statement..
“Cyberpunk 2077 … is a massive project and we’ve already invested a lot of hard work and resources into making it the best game we can. We have to ensure that we will be the only entity that can use its exact name and naming scheme.”
“Life knows quite a few examples of companies registering marks similar to well-known marks, and then trying to sell them for big money. Should we ever decide to create a sequel, there’s a possibility of someone telling us we can’t name it, say, ‘Cyberpunk 2078’ or ‘Cyberpunk 2.’ Moreover, if someone else registers this trademark in the future, they could prohibit CD Projekt from making any expansions to the game, [or] any additional titles under the name ‘Cyberpunk.’ The reason for our registration is to protect us from unlawful actions of unfair competitors.”
CD Projekt also noted there is a different between copyrights and trademarks and they will not prevent anyone from using the term Cyberpunk as long as it’s not done “in the course of business.” This includes branding and advertising and doesn’t refer to the specific goods and services mentioned in the registration. Stating..
“Use of a protected word in a title may be prohibited only if it could confuse the customers. The trademark right cannot prohibit using a word as a descriptive term. If someone names their game ‘John Smith: Adventures in a Cyberpunk Dystopian Society,’ or ’20 Short Videogames Set in Cyberpunk Worlds,’ none of them should be treated as an infringement of our rights. This is because, despite being part of the title, there is no risk that the consumers would associate these games with CD Projekt.”