In this weeks issue of Famtisu magazine, the magazine did a huge feature of CyberConnect2 as they are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year.
The magazine features an interview with CyberConnect2 President and CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama who discusses their upcoming shooting action game currently known as “Project Venom” as well as confirming they have opened up a studio in Montreal Canada.
Below are some tidbits from the interview provided to us by Famitsu…
Regarding the designs in the magazine…
Matsuyama: “It’s a new game. Within the company we’re calling it by the temporary name ‘CyberConnect Creative (CCC).’ On the 20th year since our company’s founding, it’s CyberConnect2’s first self-published project. It’s a completely original new game.”
What are some characteristics of this project?
“For better or worse, these twenty years have been all Hiroshi Matsuyama. This time, for over three years I didn’t direct myself, I just devoted myself to producing.
“Several titles are moving along, it’s not just one title, these are projects that are going to deliver the world a continuous chain reaction. The details have yet to be decided, but the supported platforms are PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam. It hasn’t been decided if it will be download-exclusive, but I think they key to victory is download sales.”
Given that it’ll be released worldwide, is this a big title?
“It’s not some massive, open-world title or anything. Back in the day there were a lot of games that really stayed with you, really poignant RPGs. We’re making a game with the latest technology that has that spirit.”
There’s a bit of a Ghibli feel to what’s there on the storyboard.
“There is also a part with the feel of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. The genre is shooting action, but I can’t talk about any details yet.
“The game we’re introducing this time is a project code-named ‘Project Venom.’ It is planned for release next year.”
We hear you’ve established a new studio in Montreal, Canada?
“It’s a fully developed studio. To reach an even broader audience as we expand globally, I thought, ‘Maybe we need a blue-eyed samurai?’
“I think there are still foreigners that want to try the Japanese-style creative.
“It’s not like we’re going off in some totally independent direction. We’ll be making games that have this link with Japan.”
Regarding your vision of the future…
“My purpose and goal will not change after this, I will continue to do this work until I die. Right now I’m considering how we can be more flexible creatively to do things freely. Getting 10 billion yen and selling a million copies is one way to make a game, but I still think there are other ways out there.”