LLC Intenzibne have released their multiplayer old-school car combat game Diesel Guns on Steam via Early Access. The Early Access build has the core gameplay done and fully customizable and includes the following..
classic deathmatch gamemode;
3 maps for classic deathmatch;
4 vehicle classes with unique specifications and abilities;
5 weapons with two fire modes.
The full version of the game will release in August 2017 and will contain the following..
3 game modes (classic deathmatch, co-op defense mode and 3 vs 1 hunting mode);
8 maps for classic deathmatch, 3 maps for hunting mode and one big map for co-op defense mode;
6 vehicle classes + retro car skins for each vehicle class;
9 weapons with two fire modes and bonus mega shot;
special weapon for each vehicle class;
6 powerful bonus weapons.
Diesel Guns is available for $2.99.