During a Q&A that took place at Digimon Con 2022, Digimon games producer Kazumasu Habu revealed he is considering doing something related to the original Digimon World game. Habu stated:
“We have received many requests for a port or remake of the original Digimon World. I’m positively considering it. But at the same time, I’m also thinking about which choice—port, remaster, or remake—is better.”
“If I choose port / remaster, then I think it will be highly feasible. If you want a remake, we need to think about how many additional elements you’d need to incorporate into the game. Digimon World has a very good balance between File Island—the stage—and the Digimon that appear. If we add a new field—for example, the Folder Continent—or new Digimon, then I think we should treat it as a new product rather than a remake.”
The original Digimon World titles launches in January 1999 for the original Playstation and received mostly negative reviews by critics, but was enjoyed by fans of Digimon.