In this weeks issue of Famtisu magazine in Japan, Final Fantasy XV Director Hajime Tabata admitted that the release date of the game was set back in 2013. Stating..
“I wasn’t the director at first, but when I was formally entrusted with the duty (in December 2013), ‘September 30, 2016 is when we’ll release it,’ was the first thing that was decided, [the date] was not something that was randomly decided, but it was something we saw when considering the time and cost for the amount of resources we had.”
The magazine also revealed that Kinglaive: Final Fantasy XV’s lip-sync was done in English and not Japanese. Final Fantasy XV will be released on September 30 for Xbox One and Playstation 4.
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In this article:Famitsu, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XV, Hajime Tabata, Square-Enix