Jagex, the company behind the popular MMORPG Runescape, have revealed that a member of their Old School Runescape team has been fired for misusing moderator privileges. The moderator stole over 45 billion coins from a Reddit user who goes by the name mazrim_lol. Jagex reached out to Mazrim and stated that due to the circumstance all of his coins would be returned.
You can view Jagex’s full statement on the matter down below:
We confirm that a Member of The Old School Team was dismissed from employment at Jagex following gross misuse of moderator privileges.
During our rigorous routine system checks, irregular activity was identified on small number of accounts, including the movement of wealth and items back into the live game.
Following our investigation, we were able to resolve the issue before any significant impact was made to the wider game, or economy. We have also taken steps to return items and GP to any affected accounts. Whilst we generally do not return items or gold, we feel that given this unusual situation, we wanted to ensure no players lost out to the rogue actions of a member of staff.
We are actively working with the Police regarding the incident, but given this an ongoing legal matter we are unable to provide further details.
Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading.We pride ourselves on the passion and integrity of the JMods that work for Jagex and we hold them to the highest standards. However, we are not afraid to take tough action and make difficult decisions if someone cannot meet those standards.
We will dust ourselves off, and move on. Old School is at its biggest and strongest since launch, but we still have much to do, not least a mobile launch which each day gets closer.
As always, thank you for your support.
The Old School Team