Riot Games, the developers of League of Legends, asked all teams that are sponsored by the website G2A to remove that company’s logo from their merchandise while at the 2015 League of Legends World Championship. According to the official League of Legends Reddit, the decision was made because G2A sells leveled accounts as well as Elo boosts.
J. Eckert of Riot Games released this statement…
“This was NOT a decision we made lightly, and came after many weeks of back and fourth conversations with G2A to find a resolution, which we were not able to reach an agreement on. We do not at all enjoy affecting the income of the teams, but the LCS rules include guidelines specifically against this sort of thing. We did however keep teams in the loop during the process in an attempt to avoid any surprises.”
G2A has since retaliated the decision and released the following statement…
“The [ban notification] e-mail came after G2A tried many friendly ways to meet with Riot, to try and work with them so as not to spoil things for e-sporters; to find a win-win solution. We tried to give them what they wanted, we suspended account selling and Elo Boosting of Accounts, but there were only more and more demands from Riot. No positive answer to several propositions of how to empower the e-sport industry together, in favor of gamers. Riot even asked G2A to remove helpful tools for players such as game guides.”
The company has also asked esports fans to send their feedback.