GameStop NFT has been the center of controversy for many reasons, but there was recently found to be one that even some NFT bros could find an issue with.
A listing for an NFT picturing the famous “Falling Man” popped up on the site and had been there for almost 12 days before finally being removed.
For those unaware Falling Man is a very famous photograph taken by Associated Press photographer Richard Drew of a man falling from the World Trade Center during the September 11 attacks in New York City.
This started to get spread among several gaming outlets this morning after a post about it appeared on the official GameStop subreddit. Even a moderator who goes by DuckSwimmer had to make a comment about the post calling out both GameStop themselves and stockbros for both allowing the listing to be on their NFT site for so long and for others defending NFT to begin with. DuckSwimmer stated:
This is a real post on their NFT site. For those who may not recognize it immediately, this is a NFT based on one of the memorable pictures of a man who jumped from one of the twin towers during 9/11. What the FUCK is the moderation on this fucking website. For those who praise this website, say it’s the best thing ever that GameStop could have done, etc. If GameStop was SUCH a great company, why the FUCK would they allow such a disturbing and disrespectful picture on their website based on a fucking national tragedy.
Where the fuck is the moderation? Is there any moderation? This website tho is the PERFECT representation of Ryan Cohen himself. A piece of shit with his head up in the clouds. An absolute fucking clown with how much more bad of a rep GameStop has gotten because of his moronic fucking choices. His tweets vs the shit that’s allowed on this website goes hand in hand. Pretty fucking easy to point out Ryan Cohen’s work from a distance. Bra-fucking-vo, you fucking clown. You fucking did it. You make yourself look like the biggest fucking ass in this company.
Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading.Edit: For all those stockbros downvoting me. Fucking do it, you spineless asshats. Just know and understand what the fuck you all are supporting.
Edit: This post will be locked down. The website finally removed this NFT from their site. Only took so much bad publicity for them to do something about it. 🙃
And I’m not referring to just this sub. There’s already articles on how awful this is and lots of discussion on Twitter as well in regards to it.
Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading.Fun fact: This NFT was actually up for 11 days according to articles that I came across.