Marvelous have announced in this weeks issue of Famtisu that a new Harvest Moon game is in development for Nintendo 3DS. This new installment will be called Story of Seasons: Cherished Friends of Three Towns.
Now we all know the title doesn’t exactly have Harvest Moon in it. This is because Harvest Moon will no longer be referred to as Harvest Moon outside of Japan. Internationally it will now be referred to as Story of Seasons, similar to Resident Evil and Biohazard.
The magazine teaser shows new characters as well as the 3 villages known as Wes Town, Tsuyukasa Village, and Rurukoko Town. It’s also worth noting this game will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Harvest Moon franchise.
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In this article:Famitsu, Harvest Moon, Japan, Marvelous, Nintendo 3DS, Story of Seasons, Story of Seasons: Cherished Friends of Three Towns