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Injustice 2 Story Trailer, Special Editions Announced

NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros. have released a new story trailer for Injustice 2 titled “The Lines are Redrawn.”

The company also announced special editions and pre-order DLC. These include the following..


Pre-orders include Darkseid as a playable character.

Standard Edition

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  • A copy of Injustice 2

Digital Deluxe Edition

  • A copy of Injustice 2
  • Three downloadable content fighters
  • One Premier Skin – Transform your Supergirl into Power Girl with an all new look, voice, and dialogue
  • One exclusive Gear Shader Pack – Customize the look of your roster with the Defender Shader Pack

Ultimate Edition

  • A copy of Injustice 2
  • Nine downloadable content fighters
  • Three Premier Skins – Transform Flash, Green Lanter, and Supergirl into alternate characters with new looks, voices, and dialogue
  • Two exclusive Gear Shader Packs – Customize the look of your roster with the Destroyer and Defender Shader Packs

You can view the trailer down below..

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