In a statement made public by The National Videogame Museum, staff were locked out of their building in Sheffield United Kingdom by its landlord. It’s said this is due to ongoing disputes between Castle house’s landlord Kollider and overall landlord Northpoint.
John O’ Shea and Cat Powell, co-CEOs of The National Videogame Museum, said in their statement:
“This development has come as a shock to the whole team, who were in a buoyant mood after such a positive school holiday week. We know that our work and presence has a real benefit to the footfall and experience of Sheffield City Centre and, alongside our Board of Trustees, are determined to work hard to secure the future of our museum. We are optimistic about finding a resolution with Northpoint in the coming days which will enable us to continue operating in the premises as usual. Members of the public and schools will be notified if their bookings are to be affected.”