Niantic Labs have become one of the most recognized companies in the video games industry since the release of Pokémon Go. While some companies would be sitting back collecting the money, the company is already working on other games.
In a recent interview with Game Informer, Niantic CEO John Hanke discussed how augmented reality could be used to create new types of games. Stating..
“[T]hat’s always been our strategy to build up a platform underneath a game that can be used for other games, and frankly other experiences that may not exactly be games, but are still within that area of exercise, discovery, and social interaction. The Niantic platform is very much a part of our long-term vision and we have some projects that are in the early stages now that will be built on top of it so you can definitely expect to see that from us in the future. It’s a positive step for everyone to bring games out into the real word and give people the motivation, the excuse, to get out, get some exercise, see new places, and hopefully have good healthy interactions with other human beings.”
With the success of Pokémon Go and the brief skyrocket of Nintendo’s stock, it’s very possible we could see an augmented reality based game around other popular Nintendo franchises in the future.