Speaking with Game Informer, Kingdom Hearts III Director Tetsuya Nomura revealed several things about the Toy Story world in Kingdom Hearts III. When asked the decision to feature a world based on Toy Story. Nomura said..
“Just looking at the trailer, I feel Sora really fit in and matched well with that world, and it’s something I always personally wanted to see – that image of Buzz and Woody coming face to face with Sora in his toy form,” Nomura said. “I had been imaging that in my head, and to be able to execute that into the game is something I’m really excited for and I’m hoping fans feel the same way I do.”
“[Pixar] preferred for us to not follow the film directly. They said, ‘Please create something original to Kingdom Hearts,’ so we did not draw any inspiration from the films. It is completely original and exclusive to Kingdom Hearts, so you can almost say it’s a sequel of some sort.”
Nomura also said that Galaxy Toys will play a large part in the world. Stating..
“Galaxy Toys is going to be your primary stage where a lot of the action is going to be happening in this world, because Sora, Donald, and Goofy are toys and very small, the playing field is going to feel very large. We also have multiple floors and each section has its own personality, so to speak.”
Finally Nomura revealed that the mission will center around finding Andy and figuring out why Organization XIII is in the world.
“Rather than having multiple different little worlds, we wanted to make sure we’re providing rich gameplay in an individual world, so we put in a lot of effort and allocated a lot of resources to create these worlds, and it would be sad for players not to enjoy the world and breeze right through it,” Nomura said. “Therefore, we made sure that each of the worlds is designed so players can take their time and enjoy the gameplay that’s available.”