In a recent interview with IGN, Phil Spencer revealed some more information about Microsoft’s Project Scorpio. During the interview Spencer mentioned that Project Scorpio will cost more than Xbox One S and is targeted for the “premium” consumer much like the Elite series. Spencer said..
“I call it a premium console because I want people to be clear that the customer we’re building that for is the premium gaming customer. The person who buys the majority of the games, the person who’s playing the most games, spending the most hours, spending the most dollars. It’s like our Elite controller. I call that a premium controller.”
“I’m not trying to scare anybody on the price. We’re going to come out on a price that we think is fair for the product that we build and the customers will tell us as they always do. I call it premium because I don’t want people to get confused that somehow Scorpio is the thing that is going to take over the Xbox line.”