One of the most anticipated games on 2017 has to be Playtonic Games’ spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie Yooka-Laylee. As many are aware, the game was in development for Wii U, but was cancelled late last year and will now be released on Switch.
In a recent interview with We Write Things, Playtonic Games Communications Director Andy Robinson said bringing the game to Switch was an “obvious next step.” Saying..
“Our full intention was to release Yooka-Laylee on Wii U for our many loyal and supportive Kickstarter backers – and because we’re all big Nintendo fans – however for reasons outside of our control this was sadly not possible. Exploring Nintendo Switch was an obvious next step for us to hopefully enable our fans on Nintendo consoles to play Yooka-Laylee.
“We’re now working very closely with Nintendo to look to bring Yooka-Laylee to Nintendo Switch and we’re looking forward to exploring the opportunity. Hopefully Nintendo fans will be able to make the transition with us.”