Thanks to a new rumored leak, we have learned that is believed to be all of the locations you will visit in IO Interactive’s upcoming title Hitman 3.
According to the leaked listing, Agent 47 will be visiting six different locations throughout the game. These places are
– Dubai, UAE
– Dartmoor, England
– Berlin, Germany
– Chongqing, China
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– Mendoza, Argentinia
– Carpathian Mountains , Romania
IO Interactive have not confirmed in these new locations are within the game. Hitman 3 releases on January 20 for PC, Switch, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series.
In this article:Hitman 3, Hitman 3 Leak, Hitman III, Hitman III Leak, IO Interactive, Nintendo Switch, PC, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series