A known Sony insider who goes by Verendus went to NeoGaf and claimed that From Software is working on a JRPG exclusive to the Playstation 4. Stating..
“Next FS exclusive for PS4 currently in development is a Sony published first party title, like Bloodborne, and is a JRPG.”
The same user also went on to say that another JRPG will be published by Sony Computer Entertainment. Saying..
“There is another project in development in a similar context which is also a JRPG, and is going to be a Sony published title aka first party. Beyond that, I don’t want to delve into anything but it honestly only takes a little common sense to realise that Shu isn’t going to tell you what anyone’s up to because you happen to ask him a question. Nothing exists until it’s officially time for it to exist.”
Verendus has since been banned from NeoGaf. Keep in mind that these are still classified as rumors and nothing has been confirmed by neither From Software, nor Sony Computer Entertainment.