According to sources for Halo of Thoughts, Gladiators Legion are considering going on a hiatus.
It’s being discussed among several organizations to disband their Contenders team due to the cost of the player housing and homestand costs the Overwatch League teams are now required to pay for.
When HOT reached out for comment, Senior Vice President & Team Operations manager of Kronke Sports & Entertainment Alex Rubens replied:
‘We haven’t made any decision to put Gladiators Legion on hiatus. When it comes to cost, Gladiators housing and Homestand expenses have nothing to do with our decision to operate a Contenders team. That being said, at this moment, we see little competitive advantage to operating a Contenders team under Blizzard’s current guidance. Should Blizzard make the environment beneficial to teams to remain competitive, we’ll continue to support Contenders as we always have.’
If true, this would make Gladiators Legion the second organization to disband their Academy team after XL2 Academy disbanded earlier this week.