According to Reddit user Qolx, story DLC for Mass Effect: Andromeda has been cancelled. This comes after a Facebook message was posted on Sinclair Networks page saying they were hired to produce three sets of story-based DLC for the game, and led to cancellation due to issues in initial production. The post stated..
“This news saddens us to say, but it was made official after a meeting this week that there will be no story DLC for Mass Effect Andromeda. Due to issues in initial production, heavy critique, significant delays in other projects it was decided to shelve the franchise for the time being and all resources and outsourcing are being focused to the 2018 release of Anthem.
For the moment the Mass Effect series will be on ice until BioWare can decide which direction the franchise will go.
The only content that will be produced will be the recurring APEX missions as well as patches as and when needed”
Another supposed Sinclair staff member went on the BioWare Social Network (since deleted) and stated..
“Our boss said the game needs DLC to keep interest and also reduce the stigma that will be created with Anthem. But the bigwigs at BioWare didn’t listen as they do not see the community.”
Please keep in mind this is still a rumor and nothing has been confirmed by EA or BioWare.