It what could be one of the strangest patent filing related to the video game industry, Sony have filed a patient with the US Patent & Trademark Office with a “human-type pet-type” robot or virtual reality companion.
Part of the summary of the patient states:
The inventor has focused on possibility of utilizing a robot as a joint viewing player who experiences sympathy with a user. For example, it is expected that the user’s affinity with the robot is increased and motivation for playing a game is enhanced by the robot viewing the game play next to the user and being pleased or sad together with the user. Further, regarding not only the game but also a movie, a television program, or the like, it is expected that the user may enjoy content mere by viewing the content with the robot as compared to the case of viewing it alone.
Theoretically, this would be a companion that helps develop a positive bond with you through various means such as positive reinforcement. So much so, that it could be possible for it to become a life manager.
Whether it will be something related to the Playstation 5 or something several years down the road has to be made public.