Iceberg Interactive, along with Little Green Men Games, are celebrating the 1 year anniversary of their space sim Starpoint Gemini 2. The celebrate the occasion, they are doing so with several new announcements.
First off, anyone who has not played Starpoint Gemini is invited to do so as Starpoint Gemini games will be 70% off this week on Steam.
The second announcement is the announcement of a new DLC named Titans that will be released in November. In addition, they also Starpoint Gemini Warlords is still on pace to be on Steam’s Early Access in Q4 2015.
The last announcement is the release a new patch containing some fixed issues as well as some updates. Below is a full list of the patch…
- FIXED: An error that could potentially cause the game to crash when a fighter is firing a missile at the same time as the ship is going through its OnDestroy animation
- FIXED: A potential CTD error when merceneries are attacking a defense platform
- FIXED: An error in the “Rogues signing off pt.2” mission (Origins DLC)
- FIXED: Faction change issue related to the Korkyran Triumvirate and the Liberation front(Origins DLC)
- FIXED: Waiting for orders objective issue when crossing from mission 22 to mission 23
- FIXED: An error where the Apocalypto didn’t regenerate shields after they were shut down
- FIXED: An error that would cause the game to crash when accessing the Starchart after all nebulas were removed from the game world
- FIXED: A memory leak that would manifest after a long playing session. Several textures were never released from memory.
- UPDATED: Slight PhysX optimization
- UPDATED: Optimized Junkyards to increase performance
- UPDATED: Riftway slightly optimized for better performance
- UPDATED: Game now records more data into the Log.txt
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In this article:DLC, Iceberg Interactive, Little Green Men Games, Starpoint Gemin 2, Starpoint Gemini Warlords, Steam