Activision, Toys for Bob, and RiFF Studio have released a cinematic introduction for their upcoming Crash Bandicoot title Crash Team Ruble. The latter is...
As first reported and later confirmed by Video Games Chronicle, Activision Blizzard have started implementing ‘return to office plan’ which will make employees required...
According to sources for Politico, the Federal Trade Commission are considering filing an antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard. While a majority...
Activision Blizzard are once again accused of trying to prevent a workers union with the latest accusation coming from the Game Workers’ Alliance Albany...
In what some could use as an argument that shareholders of publicly traded companies don’t care about consumers, Activision held their annual stockholders meeting...
Activision and Infinity Ward have released the official reveal trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. In addition, the company also confirmed that...