Aquaplus have announced they are developing a Utawarerumono spin-off game titled Gizoku Tantei Nosuri. This visual novel title will launch in Japan on December...
Aquaplus and Tamsoft have released the second trailer for their upcoming action RPG Utawarerumono: ZAN 2. Utawarerumono 2 releases in Japan on July 22...
As confirmed by Aquaplus president Naoya Shimokawa, video game composer Mihio Kinugasa has passed away. Shimokawa said on Twitter: “I know this is sudden,...
NIS America and Aquaplus have released the third trailer for their upcoming game Utawarerumono: ZAN. This trailer showcases Ougi, Jachdwalt, Kiwru, and Nosuri. Utawarerumono:...
NIS America and Aquaplus have released a new character trailer for their upcoming game Utawarerumono: ZAN. This video showcases the characters Nekone, Maroro, Atuy,...
Aquaplus have announced that their recently announced Utawarerumono smartphone game, Utawarerumono: Lost Flag, will be releasing in Japan later this year on iOS and...
NIS America and Aquaplus have released a new trailer for Utawarerumono: Zen. This new trailer showcases the gameplay. Utawarerumono: ZAN releases in North America...
Aquaplus have released two Japanese TV spots for their upcoming Utawarerumono game Utawarerumono Zan. Utawarerumono Zan releases in Japan on September 27 exclusively on...
Aquaplus President Naoya Shimokawa took to Twitter to say that a new Utawarerumono action game will be announced in next week’s Japanese game magazines....