Atlus have released a new trailer for their upcoming game The Alliance Alive. This new trailer introduces the game’s combat system. The Alliance Alive...
Atlus have released the third character trailer for their upcoming game The Alliance Alive. This trailer introduces the “neutral” characters Tiggy, Gene, and Rachel....
Atlus have release the sixth character trailer for their upcoming game Dragon’s Crown Pro. This new trailer introduces the Wizard. Dragon’s Crown Pro releases...
Atlus have released the fifth character trailer for their upcoming game Dragon’s Crown Pro. This new trailer introduces to the Sorceress. Dragon’s Crown Pro...
Atlus have released the fourth character trailer for their upcoming game Dragon’s Crown Pro. This new character trailer introduces us to the Dwarf. Dragon’s...
Atlus have released the second character trailer for their upcoming game Dragon’s Crown Pro. This character trailer introduces us to Amazon. Dragon’s Crown Pro...
Atlus have filed 9 corporate trademarks. This includes some interesting trademarks including Atlus Software and Atlus Game Studio. You can view all the trademarks...