The latest issue of Dengeki Playstation has released and the issue has official unveiled the “final” Mary Skelter game called Mary Skelter Finale. In...
Update: Mary Skelter Finale announced. Original: The cover of the latest issue of Dengeki Playstation has hit the internet and has revealed that Compile...
It’s officially the end of another era as Japanese magazine Dengeki Playstation have announced they will be stopping regular publication of their magazine after...
The latest issue of Dengeki Playstation has revealed the upcoming Disgaea remake has received an official release date in Japan. This remake will be...
In the latest issue of Dengeki Playstation, Toukiden Producer Kenichi Ogasawara participated in their “Creator Interviews” and teased some new titles. During the interview,...
In a recent interview with Dengeki Playstation, Blue Reflection Producer Junzo Hosoi confirmed that the series will continue. When the magazine asked asked if...
The latest issue of Dengeki Playstation has revealed that Nippon Ichi Software will be releasing their dungeon RPG Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain on...