During the “Future of Digimon” panel at Anime Expo 2019, Bandai Namco announced they are bringing Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and Digimon Story: Cyber...
During their “Future of Digimon” panel at Anime Expo 2019, Bandai Namco announced that their upcoming game Digimon Survive has been delayed until 2020....
Bandai Namco have released a development diary for their upcoming Digimon game Digimon Survive. The video features producers Habu Kazumasa and Tsuzuki Katsuaki sharing...
Bandai Namco have released the second trailer for their upcoming Digimon training RPG Digimon ReArise. Digimon ReArise releases in Japan later this year for...
Bandai Namco have launched pre-registration for their upcoming Digimon training RPG, Digimon ReArise, in Japan. Pre-registration is available via e-mail, Line, or Twitter and...
Bandai Namco have released the second teaser trailer for Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory releases in Japan...