During their Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary event, Square Enix and Disney surprised everyone by announcing they are currently developing a fourth installment in the...
Intellivision Entertainment have started seeking additional funding via StartEngine, but it seems it might be to little to late. Fundraising documents filed with the...
According to sources for The Wall Street Journal, Activision CEO Bobby Kotick allegedly held back a summary of personal actions the company made regarding...
According to Shannon Liao of The Washington Post, Riot Games have settled a 2018 gender-based discrimination class-action suit with both the state of California...
According to a new bombshell report by The Wall Street Journal, Activision CEO Bobby Kotick allegedly knew of sexual harassment and misconduct going on...
Thanks to an investigation currently ongoing on by Reddit user quirah, several Twitch users in Turkey could be involved in money laundering using Bit-Fraud...