News Majority of Nintendo LodgeNet 64 Titles Archived Some more great news as the folks over at Forest of Illusion have been able to archive 31 of the 38 titles that were... RyanApril 26, 2023
News Shadowgate Nintendo Famicom Prototype Archived Some more great new s for video game preservation as the amazing folks over at Forest of Illuision were able to archive and dump... RyanJuly 3, 2022
News Metal Max Nintendo Famicom Prototype Archived Some more great news for video game preservation as the folks over at Forest of Illusion revealed they have archived a prototype of Metal... RyanMarch 26, 2022
3DS Prince of Persia – The Forgotten Sands DS Prototype Dumped Some more great news for game preservation as Forest of Illusion have dumped a prototype for the DS port of Prince of Persia –... RyanJanuary 15, 2022
3DS eSMART 2.0 DS Cartridge Archived And Uploaded Some more great news for game preservation as Forest of Illusion were able to release eSMART 2.0. Similar to the eCDP cartridge, this was... RyanJanuary 12, 2022