THQ Nordic and Airship Syndicate have released a new trailer for their upcoming game Darksiders Genesis. This trailer introduces the character Strife. Darksiders Genesis...
Google have announced that Stadia has received an official launch date. The company revealed that Stadia will launch on November 19. At launch, Stadia...
In a recent interview with Games Radar, Cyberpunk 2077 producer Richard Borzymowski revealed that the game will feature a smaller map than The Witcher...
The folks over at have released 24 minutes of gameplay footage for their upcoming game Darksiders: Genesis. All of this footage was taken...
During their E3 press conference, Square Enix announced that Marvel’s Avengers has received an official release date. The game will launch on May 15,...
During their E3 press conference, Ubisoft announced a new adventure game for Stadia, PC, Xbox One, Switch, and Playstation 4 titled Gods & Monsters....
During their E3 press conference, Bethesda unveiled a new game engine called Orion. This is software technology that optimizes game engines to have superior...