Gust and Koei Tecmo have released the first in a series of character trailers for their upcoming smartphone game Augmented Reality Girls Trinary. This...
Gust and Koei Tecmo have released the ninth character trailer for their upcoming game Blue Reflection. This new character trailer introduces us to Akio...
Gust have released the opening movie for their upcoming smartphone game Augmented Reality Girls Trinary. The game is being developed in collaboration with Toei...
Gust and Koei Tecmo have released the latest character trailer for their upcoming game Blue Reflection: Sword of the Girl Who Dances with Illusions....
The latest character trailer for Gust’s upcoming game Blue Reflection: Sword of the Girl Who Dances in Illusions has been released. The latest character...
Koei Tecmo and Gust have released a new character trailer for their upcoming game Blue Reflection. This new character trailer introduces us to Chihiro...
Gust have released a new character trailer for their upcoming game Blue Reflection. The new character trailer introduces us to Shihori Sugamoto. You can...