Capcom have released an 11-minute “special courtroom” video of their upcoming Ace Attorney game Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice. The introduction trailer introduces the...
Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia have announced they will be releasing 4 PS Vita models based off their upcoming game Caligula. The limited edition...
During a recent interview with Asahi, Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima discussed the idea of Nintendo entering the movie business. Asahi reported that Nintendo will...
Japanese studio Alvion has trademarked “Malicious Fallen” in Japan. It is very possible that “Malicious Fallen” is the title for their upcoming Playstation 4 title they...
This month’s issue of popular Japanese magazine CoroCoro has been leaked online and it’s teasing that an exclusive scoop regarding Pokémon Sun and Pokémon...
Image have been leaked from this months issue of Japanese magazine CoroCoro showing that the magazine will be collaborating with Splatoon. Three new pieces...
Koei Tecmo have released a new trailer for Hyrule Warriors: Legends featuring the upcoming ‘Master Wind Maker Pack’ and the Medli downloadable character. You...