GungHo Online Entertainment have announced they will be hosting a special “GungHo New Title Presentation” on June 27. This event will take place live...
Arc System Works have released the debut trailer for their upcoming mystery adventure game Jake Hunter Detective Story: Prism of Eyes. Jake Hunter Detective...
arm During a new interview with Famitsu, From Software president Hidetaka Miyazaki was asked if their upcoming Playstation VR game Deracine is tied to...
The latest Media Create sales numbers have been released in Japan and Marvelous’s Fate/Extella Link demolished the charts. Both the Playstation 4 and PS...
Ahead of its current Japanese release, Bandai Namco have released the opening movie for their upcoming RPG Record of Grancrest War. Record of Grancrest...
It seems that Compile Heart will be hosting a ‘Urgent Press Conference’ tomorrow night. The Japanese game company have uploaded a teaser website with...